Now, is this an important freedom? As a non-drinker, myself, it's not one I happen to care all that much about, but I do think there may be something to it, somehow.
On the other hand, there's also the "freedom", I imagine some would see it as, for people to smoke in most bars here. A freedom that in many places in the states has been quenched, in favor of the freedom for others to be in a bar without experiencing second hand smoke. In this case, I'd quite definitely prefer the latter freedom, for myself. But maybe there's something to the former, as well, somehow? And even if not, who decides whose freedoms society will do more to protect, when freedoms come into conflict with each other? And how does the decision get made?
What freedoms are important to you?
No answers in this post. Only questions. It's just something my friend got me to pondering about. I'd enjoy hearing thoughts from anyone who may be reading this. Whenever that may be. Of course, you're free not to comment, too. :)