I was finding it a bit cumbersome to remove methods that I'd defined, which I wanted to remove because I wanted to change the argument count. I wanted something simple (even better would be introspection and removing everything, but I couldn't find a portable way to do that -- if anyone knows of any, please let me know!), and was happy to do a bit of legwork to get something that would then be simple to use. So, I came up with the following macro:
(defmacro easy-remove-method (name &rest args) `(let* ((modified-args (mapcar (lambda (x) (if (symbolp x) (find-class x) `(eql ,x))) ',args)) (method (find-method ,name '() modified-args nil))) (if method (remove-method ,name method) (format t "Failed to find method (~a () ~a)" ,name modified-args))))
One could then call something like:
(easy-remove-method #'foo 1 'baz)
which would be equivalent to:
(remove-method #'foo (find-method #'foo '() '(eql 1) (find-class 'baz)))
Since I was working on methods which had integer-based
specifiers, this made things much handier. In principal, I think you could just as easily place any other arbitrary object there and, as long as you didn't quote it and thus make it a symbol, you'd get an eql specifier for it. With the quote, you get find-class on that symbol. Which is just what I wanted, so yay.