Sunday, August 26, 2007


OK, so... I want to make it so there is an End In Sight. I have theories on this. They are, unfortunately, going to have to take a back burner to certain other things for a little while, but hopefully they'll happen before too long.

And meanwhile, we also went and saw 11th Hour... Here's the trailer:

Anyway, that gave me a whole other list of things I'd like to do to take action. There's a lot that can be done, and a lot that needs doing... Hopefully I can tackle enough of it to make some progress towards sustainability in this planet. I hope to be learning a bit more about the options at the first (newly re-instated) Climate Soup meetup, which is to be held at the oh-so-cool store (which I've been meaning to blog about for ages. argh.), Goods for the Planet.. Many kudos to Laura for taking on this meetup! She's both excited and nervous about it, so I hope a bunch of folks will come out and lend their support.

I'm sure I'll have a lot more to say on these issues over time.

For now, let me add two words to some writing I saw on a post the other day:

Impeach, indict

To which I add (one word after each of the above): convict, convict

so we then have:

Impeach, convict; indict, convict.

And no, I don't just mean one person there.

My project that's on hold for the moment has a lot to do with the above, actually... more on that later.

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